Cause And Effects Smoking

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The Effects of Smoking In the past, smokers were not aware of the hazards associated with smoking. Today, however, smokers are fully aware of the hazards of smoking. There are many reasons this change has occurred, but smoking has serious effects on individuals and their body. One of the main reasons people smoke is mainly peer pressure, also to deal with the stress of everyday life. Many young smokers today have to deal with their peer group, and the way their peers might want them to smoke. In addition, smokers of all ages find smoking as an outlet to help deal with everyday stress of life’s problems. Another cause is the highly addictive ingredients in the tobacco found in cigarettes. Cigarettes contain nicotine which is found to be highly addictive, along with other carcinogens such as tar, rat poison, and other toxic substances. Additionally, the chemicals in cigarettes make it very hard to kick the bad habit of smoking. One effect of smoking is the lung disease it will cause. Many smokers develop serious breathing problems such as asthma, and emphysema. These people will spend a lot of time and money on doctor visits, and medication for their illness they get from smoking. Another result from smoking will be the loss of quality of health and family time. Smokers will not be able to play with their children, because they lack the ability to be physically active. These smokers will lose valuable time in doctor’s office, also in and out of hospitals. In conclusion, smoking will cause a person’s health to deteriorate, and have serious health problems. These people should become educated on the risks associated with their bad habit, and remember that quitting smoking at any age will prevent future
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