Catholic First Cause

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"First cause," being a term used by Catholics--at least traditional Catholics of the past--is seldom heard by most Americans, this being a more-or-less Protestant nation. Coupled with congenitally dysfunctional educational concepts, this lack causes Americans' thought processes generally to "begin in the middle" instead of the beginning. The result is many a logical progression of thought which unfortunately has its beginning in a false premise. This error extends to the "right sounding" demand for "children's rights." Of course, the Catholic first cause is God, the real starting point to any believer, but for purposes of this forum concerning the plight of parents and children in America today, it should suffice to begin with the basic…show more content…
This is now called the "nuclear" family, with the nonsensical connotation that it is just one family construction among many. The above described construction is normal because it is natural. There may be rare circumstances wherein polygamy could also be considered natural, but none of the other "diverse" couplings warrant that definition. Children are the primary end of marriage as well as its first blessing. Every child is a part of its generating father and mother, of which it has but one each, no more, no…show more content…
Parents grant privileges to children as they become reasonably able to correctly exercise them. This is done mostly without conscious thought as no one knows a child better than its parents. Should children mistakenly be given rights, they have no means to enforce them against the adult world. If children are afforded rights against their parents (there is no other way they can have rights inside the family except they are pitted against those of their parents--that is the only logical expression for such rights) then some force outside the family must take the side of the child against the parents. This force always comes to be some sort of government agency. In other words, to give children rights of their own is to beg one's government to interfere internally with the
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