Case Study on I Am Sam - Where Agencies Could of Helped Sam and His Daughter

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Task 3 Case Study – “I am Sam” In everyone’s lives Advocacy is important, but it is even more important should you have a disability. In this case study I will be expressing my opinion on where an advocate would of helped Sam and his daughter (Lucy) from the movie “I am Sam”. It is quiet chilling that Sam and Lucy did not get help in so many parts of this movie. It really shows you how people can slip through the system when professionals do not recognise intervention from the beginning could actually prevent so much hard ache for many families. Sam had a few people in his life during his journey of parenthood on his own. He had his male friends who had disabilities themselves. These guys loved to give advice and support but where not able to advocate on behalf of Sam or give reliable, meaningful information to help Sam. Annie, who lives near Sam and is Lucy’s godparent was able to give advice, do the occasional babysitting and teach Lucy the piano but due to her own problems was not able to be a person to help Sam in many other ways. There was also Sam’s employer at the coffee shop who was just his employer and maybe not aware of what Sam was really facing in day to day life. I feel Sam would have benefited from an advocate and support from when Lucy’s mother decided that having a baby and being with Sam was not her life and she didn’t want a baby. Sam was left to raise Lucy with only a few meaningful people in his life. Most of these meaningful people had disabilities themselves. Things maybe could have been prevented if help was provided before Lucy was born. While Lucy’s mother was pregnant things would have been put into place to support the whole family. So many professional people should of picked up this was not going to be easy for Sam or Lucy’s mother. Having an advocate or programs to help Sam from the start may have prevented many of the things

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