Can Guardian or Commerce Syndrome Solely Exist

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Subject: Can Guardian or Commerce Syndrome Solely Exist Jane Jacob System of Survival introduces ethical systems in the society. It discusses how these systems lead us to survive. According to Jane Jacobs’s System of Survival, there are two ethical syndromes in the society. The two syndromes are Guardian Syndrome and Commerce Syndrome (Jacob, 1992). They are the ethics modes of human’s behavior for survival. Jacobs tells us those two syndrome are all about “get and trade.” We use them to satisfy our wants. However, these two syndromes conflict with each other. In the following, I will talk about how can these two syndrome work on the society. Can the two syndromes fit into the society separately? If not, how can they work together? Guardian Syndrome is the behavior mode of getting. We take and produce what we want from nature. We talk about hierarchy. People in the upper class, such as aristocrats, assign agents or lower class to organize their business. Those people can get rewards in return for services. They don’t call those returns trade, but largesse. (Jacobs, 59). People in this ethics mode avoid trading. People believe trade include corrupt and bribe (Jacobs, 61). People satisfy themselves from the natural world without trading. Guardian Syndrome is full of power and loyalty. Lower class have to be obedient and disciplined. These guidelines prevent competition and wars. Power cure people’s activities. Places that are controlled are safer than palces that are not controlled. Commerce Syndrome is the behavior mode of trading. According to Jacobs’s theory of Commerce Syndrome, “Be open to inventiveness and novelty, Be efficient, Promote comfort and convenience, and Dissent for the sake of the task” (Jacobs, 40). This syndrome is full of competition. Business can get into market easily. Trading between different people make us become more
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