Leadership Styles In Uniformed Public Services

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Introduction to different leadership styles used in the Public Services In this report I will describe leadership styles and their use in the uniformed public services. I will include examples of public service situations when each style may be used. I will also compare different leadership styles used in the uniformed public services, evaluate the effectiveness and draw conclusions about why this is the case and consider whether the styles make the team leader effective or not and why. Evaluate the effectiveness of different leadership styles used in the public services In the public services they confront different types of scenarios on a day to day basis, where different leadership styles may be used. A leadership style is the manner…show more content…
Sometimes this style is also described as autocratic. It is a common leadership style and is used when a leader needs to keep as much power as possible and keep control over the decision making. Subordinates are expected to obey orders without arguing back or in need of an explanation to do what they have been ordered to do. In the public services this leadership maybe used when you have all the information to solve the problem or you are working to a deadline. This is not an effective way to get the best result from a team, but it has some advantages in situations where there is pressure to get the task done, like in the armed forces. This leadership style may use threats or intimidation to make sure that subordinates do what the leader requires. This could bring down subordinates by ignoring their knowledge and input. The leader monitors the work and each individual's performance; which is good to make sure that everyone is working. People are motivated by being rewarded; this brings encouragement helping the person who has done well do a better job and help them achieve more in the job. There is a clear chain of command, discipline is in place. Subordinates do exactly what the leader tells them to do and have no authority. The team is fully responsible for its actions; this is a advantage and disadvantage as if one person in a team makes a mistake then the whole…show more content…
Leaders in the public services have many positions and these are called ranks, the leader will ensure the team has a purpose, a role and a responsibility. The purpose is the reason the team was created in the first place, the role is the main job of the service, a role is also known as a function or the activates that a person is assigned to carry out, and the responsibility is all the things a service may be responsible for, the main responsibility of a team leader is to make sure the teams task is completed. In the army the main role of the team leader is to prepare their team for their mission, this means making sure your team is mentally and physically ready and knows how to do their tasks in combat. Team leaders make sure their soldiers know how to shoot, move and communicate. Soldiers must know how to do their individual job and complete their team tasks. In combat team leaders are responsible for the maneuver of their team; this includes convoys, foot march, air movements or any others. In the army the team leader will spend a lot of time with their soldiers, they do counselling, one to one mentoring and leading by example, they make sure their soldiers get the training they need to be successful in the future. The team leader handles all the admin and logistics for the team; this includes admin paperwork, transportation, food, ammo, personal supply and more. They also ensure their team is

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