Develop a Personal Ethical Code

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Develop a Personal Ethical Code By Inger Hoyte Dr. Jean Gordon ETH 401 October 23, 2012 Professionalism involves more than certain knowledge and skills in a particular trade. Legitimate professions require members to display certain intangible traits such as honesty, fairness, integrity and good moral character. A code of ethics or conduct is often used to document such expectations between members and their profession. These principles and supporting rules are typically enforceable by the profession, legal remedies or both. Ethics describes the principles involved in making an appropriate determination of right and wrong before reaching a decision and taking action. Professional ethics are often documented in a code that details specific beliefs relevant to the profession. Law , medicine, education, public accounting and real estate are examples of professions with a code of ethics. For example, doctors have an ethical duty to provide the best possible care within the patient's best interest only. Professionalism is adherence to shared values among group members that define what behavior and actions are or are not acceptable. These principles typically benefit society as a whole versus the individual member's self interest. Professionals use these values to guide their decision-making when facing ambiguity. Freedom to pursue their work using their own judgment within reasonable boundaries is also a key component. Professionalism is subject to ethical and often legal requirements regarding services rendered. 1 Your Competencies are strengths your organization has. How do you get them? Define them? Keep them? Knowing your core competencies is like having a perfect gift that keeps on giving. Invest your time and efforts wisely. competencies are strengths your organization has now. Your competencies may include any
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