Business career path

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Big companies with owners that are billionaires, the people who mange their money, the owners of businesses in your neighborhood are all involved in one career. This career ranges from the banker at the local bank to the leader of an international trading company, from the guy selling shoes in a store to the owner of Nike. My career choice uses three different methods of payment: Salary, hourly, and compensation. Yes, the career I have chosen is business and administration with a degree in business and arts. With this career I would like to find an upper management, consulting job, or start my own business. I feel that a management or administration job would give me the benefit of experience, which would give me a edge on the competition for jobs. The edge of having of work experience and a good degree in business, I could find an upper class management job or have the insight on starting my own business. I would like to know the compensation for the different types of jobs. With this information in mind I want to find out how any years of college would best benefit me in the different job available. I don’t know much about the cost of starting up a business. The area of what exactly a degree in business and arts would open up for me would be nice to know. A question that is posed is “Do politeness and other courteous acts matter in the business environment?” A narrow study may be better then a broad study to pursue career goals. Some fields need majors. However, having a broad knowledge base can make it easier to switch jobs (Sitley). One way to increase changes in being hired is to get a master’s degree in business and administration (Lambert). Americans switch careers an average of two to three times. A general major is the best choice for the 20-50% of students who aren’t sure about there careers. For most careers there are several pathways or majors
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