Bsbadm503B Plan and Manage Conference

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Additional Questions 1. How would you go about confirming the purpose, required outcomes and styles of conferences? Confirm the purpose, required outcomes and style of conference with conference convenor/s. 2. How can late changes for the program schedule be communicated according to administration requirements? Wherever possible, advance notice of such changes should be communicated to participants – this might be via the telephone, email, fax or notices in the media. If it is not possible to give advance notice then attendees should be advised of the changes when they register on the day. Printed handouts explaining the changes should be given to attendees and signage might also be used to draw attention to changes. 3. How do you report and follow up on conference outcomes? Debriefing with contractors and staff following the event is useful for improving future events. It provides a forum for all stakeholders to offer feedback regarding the services and equipment, and any perceived problems from the audience point of view. The debrief process enables reports to be submitted and evaluated, issues to be discussed, problems to be identified and improvement strategies to be developed. Gathering attendee’s responses using a questionnaire evaluation form. Reports generated by the evaluation process should be distributed to everybody involved in the planning process, to analyse processes and help close the gap between goals and actual performance. 4. Why do you as conference convenor prepare post conference correspondence? At the end of the conference, newly formed relationships can be consolidated. These relationships might be with speakers, participants, sponsors or business. Often, these parties will request that additional information be sent to them. Requests should be recorded and information forwarded promptly.

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