Brave New World Project

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BRAVE NEW WORLD PROJECT MENU You may choose to work on this project individually or with a partner. You must submit a detailed rubric and a written self-assessment along with your project on ____________. Game Design- create a model or detailed blueprints for one or more of the games or sports played in the World State. Write an in-depth analysis that explains how the game(s) or sport(s) contributes to the World State’s well being and how it illustrates the social criticisms made by Huxley in the novel. Theatre- write a dialogue between two to three significant characters from two to three different works we have read this year, in which they discuss the events, characters, conflicts and themes of their “lives”. Place the…show more content…
You’ll always want to remember this particular trip, so you are going to create a “literary” scrapbook of mementos from your journey. These mementos will include drawings and artifacts of your experiences, as well as written reflections, which will take a variety of forms. Both the visual and written elements will demonstrate your understanding of the novel’s plot, characters, settings and themes; in addition, they will demonstrate your thoughtful exploration of the historical, political, and social issues raised by the novel. (Optionally, you may choose to create a scrapbook from the point of view of one of the characters in the…show more content…
They are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. Millions of abnormally normal people living without a fuss in a society to which, if they are fully human beings, they ought NOT to be adjusted. Their conformity is becoming uniformity, but uniformity and freedom are incompatible, and uniformity and mental health are incompatible.” Journalism-Create one edition of each of the London newspapers, “The Hourly Radio”, “Gamma Gazette”, and “The Delta Mirror”. ( See page 66 of BNW) What news of the day will each one cover? How will you alter the format, language and visuals of each to meet the needs and desires of their respective readers? How will the news stories reflect the themes and concerns of the

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