Multicultural Literature Essay

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Multicultural Literature analysis Multicultural Literature analysis Abstract During this paper, we will be discussing different types of multicultural literature, which we read over the last five weeks. The different definitions of multiculturalism will be addressed in the first section on the paper, which will allow the reader to fully understand what exactly multiculturalism means. This will encourage the readers to understand and appreciate the stories, who wrote the stories, and about the culture in which the stories where written from and about. We will also highlight the stories from this week’s reading, along with an inside look at the story. Some stories discussed in this paper will show historical periods, geographic areas of the world, social issues, which occurred in the story, and stories, which are about different cultural holidays. Introduction This paper will address the definitions of multicultural and multiculturalism. The paper will also discuss many stories written by authors from different cultures, we will also highlight each author, their background and their achievements. In the paper, we will discuss different types of multicultural literature from the, historical period, the geographic period, society, and religious stories. What is multicultural literature? Multicultural literature is literature, which gives readers information about a different culture they may not know anything about. In this paper, we will see many different types of multicultural literature and learn about the authors behind the literature. Multicultural Definitions According to Webster’s Third Dictionary the definition of multicultural is; related to, or designed for several or many cultures. According to, the definition of multicultural is, pertaining to, or representing serial different cultures or cultural
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