Black Colleges And Universities: The Benefits Of Higher Education

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The benefits of higher education allow an individual, group or community access to new economic opportunities and higher wage jobs. In this discussion, I found that access to affordable programs also gives the disadvantaged or disenfranchised group ability to gain higher education through scholarships, internships, land grants and support groups. By obtaining these resources the disadvantage groups will make themselves survive better economically and give their children a better education and financial support to progress in life. Here are some of the institutes that help immensely in upward social mobility. Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) is one of the institution that serves a large number of disadvantaged college bound students with valuable…show more content…
Statistically data provided by HBCU confirm that in the years 1993 and 1994 one in four Black students seized Bachelor’s degree from them. HBCU also awarded a higher portion of master’s, doctor’s and first-professional degrees at the bachelor’s level. In this same year 82 percent of all degree awarded at 4-year HBCUs were at the bachelor’s degree level compared to 70 percent at all 4-year colleges. Another institute that has aided this movement is called Traditional Black Institute (TBI.) TBI’s effort was to help student develop an environment free of legal, social, economic and political restrictions. Their common goal is to improve their status in United States. TBI have trained majority of Black Doctors, Lawyers, Dentist and Teachers in this country. Another institute that support disadvantaged blacks in education is UNCF (United Negro College Fund.) This is the country's largest and most effective minority education organization that grants scholarships, internships, faculty and
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