Benefits of Medication to Treat Adhd

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The Benefits of Medication to Treat ADHD in Children Marsha Orin Northeastern Junior College Abstract In this essay the benefits of medication to treat the symptoms of ADHD in children were examined. Several articles were studied to find that medication does, in fact, help minimize the symptoms of ADHD. The pros and cons of using medication to treat ADHD were also examined, and the pros far outweighed the cons. There are several medications in a variety of different forms to treat ADHD, and every medication will act differently in every child. This study found that there is no known cause for ADHD at this time, but scientists are looking at a possible gene link to ADHD. Medication is a useful treatment to control the symptoms of ADHD. The Benefits of Medication to Treat ADHD in Children Medication is a useful treatment to control the symptoms of ADHD in children. As a mother of a child with ADHD, I know first hand the effects ADHD has on children, their teachers, and their parents. My son, who is seven, was getting in to trouble almost every day in first grade, and I would get phone calls in the afternoon to come pick him up. The principal told me that one more occurrence and she would have to expel him for the rest of the year. I was at my wits end, and I had no idea what to do. I didn’t really want to try medication due to all the talk I had heard about meds altering a child’s personality, but with no time to look into other methods, I decided to try. I chose not to tell my child’s teacher, and the very afternoon he started taking Adderall, his teacher told me how good of a day he had. She said, “ I don’t know what you did with Brenden, but it’s like he is a totally different kid.” I explained to her about the meds, and we kept in touch. The next week, she told me that he was noticing things around school
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