Beneficial Years For People And Society

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During all centuries and epochs people have been interested in longevity. We read about it in ancient Greek and Roman myths and in stories about shamans and magicians. In the 20th century the idea of extending human life has become more realizable. Medicine has reached a new level of its development, and some important discoveries have been made. For example, antibiotics save people from death from many diseases, like tuberculosis, tetanus, plague and others, that killed thousands of people at those times. Moreover, the practice of organ transplantation has started to prolong the lives of many people who experience cardiac, hepatic and nephritic illnesses. If before the 20th century the average human life-span was less than 50 years, the improvements in medicine have changed this number to 70-80 years today. Moreover, the number of centenarians increases every year. Scientists predict that it is not the limit of human life-span, and they continue researches about extending it. However, there are many people who do not want to find the way to prolong human life. They point at chronic diseases that most of old people have. These diseases spoil old people’s lives and make them unable to be independent. In my opinion, even though there are some drawbacks in extending human life span, scientists should continue to find ways to extend human life beyond its natural span for several important reasons: people would be able to have more years to enjoy their life; longevity might be financially beneficial for the society and make it more developed. First of all, prolonging people’s lives would give them an ability to enjoy their lives and realize their ambitions and plans. There are many people who might disagree with me, - those who are sure that old people are unable to enjoy their lives because of chronic diseases that accompany most old people. The article “A Time to Die;

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