Why I Hope to Die at 75

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Why I Hope To Die At 75 When Ezekiel J. Emanuel told his friends and brothers his preference of dying at 75, they all thought he was crazy. Life is so fragile, as there is so much to see and do in the world. There are myriads out there who out lied the age of 75 and are doing fine. Emanuel hopes to die at 75 with the satisfaction of living a complete life, pursued lifes projects, and seeing his children as well as grandchildren grow. Although evolution plays a role in how long you live, he plans to live life while still in his prime. Emanuel states 2 different points, “Living too long/death is a loss.”(75). Death can contribute the way others remember you and the impact you made on their lives. Death can deprive you from the people you love and time spent. Living too long on the other hand, leaves a negative impact as well because there are terminally ill individuals out there who need the good, compassionate death so they would no longer suffer being alive and having the illness drag them down. Therefore, living in that condition seems far worse than death. Emanuel also states, “I am not advocating 75 as the official statistic of a complete, good life in order to save resources, ration health care, or address public policy issues arising from the increases in life expectancy.” (81). He wants individuals to reach out for the health care opportunities as much as they can so they won’t suffer. Evolution also enables us to live even longer. He questions, “Is making money, chasing the dream, all worth it?” Emanuel advocates living a complete life and gaining satisfaction. Emanuel currently wants to spend his time enjoying himself while he’s still healthy. Although family members urge him that he’s wrong to die at 75, he’s not convinced that he’s wrong and in his condition can survive past 75 years old. A new obsession called “The American Immortal” debuted

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