Belonging The Simple Gift Belonging Analysis

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Title: Belonging | Concept: to belong, or not to belong | Language Modes: speaking, reading, writing, listening, viewing, ICT | Outcomes: | | | 2. A student demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts. 5. A student analyses the effect of technology and medium on meaning 6. A student engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally. | Key Question: How can a concept affect our perceptions of ourselves and our world? | Texts: * Core Text: The Simple Gift * Additional: The Black Balloon * Students own | | Key Learning Ideas: | | | * Students explore, analyse, question and articulate the ways in which perceptions of this concept are shaped in and through a variety…show more content…
It is symbolic as it is the answer (the key) to all of Billy’s problems and it is metaphorically unlocking the door to Billy’s future.As a result of Old Bill and Billy’s unlikely friendship there are many occasions for laughter, something that has been missing from their lives for some time. This laughter conveys the image of happiness and friendship: ‘I laughed long and loud’; and ‘two hobos laughing, laughing the morning away (p130) suggest Billy and Old Bill enjoy each other’s company and that the laughter is a therapeutic aid, part of their transformation from an ‘earlier self’. The words sunshine, sun and light are also often repeated.“The river is a symbol of ease, grace and fluidity; as expressed by its meandering form. Often times it is used to represent the calm beauty of nature.”How does Caitlin first describe Billy? Where does Billy remember feeling the most accepted? What do Old Bill and Billy regularly do together?Towards the end of the poems, Billy takes Old Bill and Caitlin where? Focus poem: Westfield Creek This is a flashback. This is the only place Billy has fond memories of. Herrick goes into much detail about Billy’s calm exterior, his patient and natural approach to life. The cleansing nature of the Creek, the refreshing qualities of water are reinforced by Billy’s time away from the world. When Billy first meets Old Bill they go to Bendarat Creek to wash their clothes and swim. That symbolised the start of their connection, and Old Bill’s rebirth. Also, towards the end of the collection, Billy is confident enough to invite Caitlin and Old Bill to the river, suggesting a new start, a collective connection to each other, as if the water played a part in their coming together. Water has traditionally been used as a symbol of rebirth, cleansing, hope, life, nature, peace, tranquillity...Without water human beings would not exist. Also there is
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