Kingston University Job Analysis

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Task 1.1 – Recruitment Procedure Kingston University will do a job analysis whenever there’s a resignation, retirement or expansion. Kingston University will begin with a job analysis. Recruitment Process for Kingston University Job Analysis is the process of establishing job related factors that the business tutor needs to perform at the workplace. It identifies the tasks, responsibilities and duties involved in the job. This analysis is done by judging the collected data on the job. The data can be collected through information fragments found through surveys and interviews, job specifications or description, it is never found in a person description. Purpose of Job Analysis: The main purpose of the analysis is to set and record the employment…show more content…
The descriptions also describe what the requirements employees must fulfil are, it can be used to appraise the worker’s performance. Pay rates or paid leaves information may also be included in the job description. Most commonly, the description for the new employee will be the job description of the former holder of that job. A job that requires many people to do it such as a factory worker, will probably included a former job description. Job Description of a Business Tutor in Kingston University Main duties of a Business Tutor 1. Encouraging and protecting the safety of the students tutor. 2. Abiding by the work and subject specifications when teaching BTEC level 4 and level 5 Business Studies modules 3. The preparation of effective, appropriate, and interesting content for the students. 4. Incorporating assignments for learning strategies following school policies, and abiding by these policies to correct school work. 5. Writing the down the student performances and then using the data to create new goals for students. 6. Grading the pupils and then writing reports on how they can…show more content…
Information for the job specification is derived from job analysis; information is also taken from job description for the specification of the type of person that the university wants hired. Job specification will quickly summarize all the requirements, while the more indirect job description will list requirements and duties. Detailed required experience, education, skills, knowledge, and detailed characteristic are all included in a job specification. Person specification of a Business Tutor in Kingston University Skills Required Being able to manage and leading students to a goal Mandatory Being able to make decisions effectively Mandatory Ability to work well with other people Mandatory Being able to understand other people’s opinions and also clearly make points Mandatory Can plan effectively and have high self organization Mandatory Knowledge Base Perfect understanding and professional knowledge Mandatory Perfect knowledge in the top subject Mandatory Being familiar with examination and national curricular of the subject Mandatory Having the latest knowledge in other points in education and also the subject

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