Being A Conservative Analysis

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According to me being a liberal individual is to explore new and different ideas and most importantly to be an open-minded person. Being conservative is to restore traditional ideas and ideologies or to preserve them. Basically every individual should display a political ideology or have their own views to justify their preferences for candidates and over the course of time should be consistent enough in their decision making. A conservative looks back and respects their traditions and views any change in the society with a suspicion whereas liberals are open-minded and do not take into account anything that happened in their past. I have been a conservative for quite a long and possess conservative views for quite a while now. I usually do…show more content…
I always felt that there should be rights given to the people for a political change and I observed this in United States government and considered this as a major change which would definitely bring a lot of change in Indian government if they could implement this. When I moved into United States Obama took charge as President for this country and the prime area where he started to concentrate was the spectrum of political attitude in the people and eventually in the society. After seeing the current government which had a lot of influence on my mind in terms of politics I felt that I should never hurt anyone by being too liberal and felt that the people should never be imposed of any rules or regulations in the society. I started learning very quickly that change and values are the basic concepts for a deeper analysis of people in the society and a progressive proposed change would definitely bring a great and positive change in the thinking of any individual in the society. A progressive change means a change in the society from something old to something new and different for the betterment of the people in the society. I felt that the government here in United States was sovereign which was very important for a major and quick change in the rules of the society and most importantly push the country to a positive…show more content…
I always believe that whatever party is ruling the society the change should be gradual and effective rather than rapid and ineffective. Liberals always believe that people can improve their lives through the use of reason whereas conservatives always believe in defending status against changes. I always believe that whatever party brings in a major change which is essential to the public at that point of time should be in power for the betterment of the society. There are liberal and conservative Democrats as well as liberal and conservative Republicans. So I believe it is really essential for the younger citizens to make their decisions as to which party they are going to vote for based on the major changes bought by the parties. I feel there would definitely be different opinions on political parties by different people- varying from the rich, the poor, farmers and workers. So it is essential for the political parties to influence all kinds of people by exhibiting their political ideologies in a positive manner for the betterment of the society. I do encourage both the liberals and conservatives based on the immediate and profound change which they bring to the current society. It all depends on whichever party brings a rapid and major change in the mind sets of the people. I believe the
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