Taking A Stand: The Industrial Revolution

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Taking a Stand: The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was one of the biggest landmarks in history, in my opinion. It brought out this growth of ideologies. Liberals, Conservatives, and the seemingly radical group, the Socialist, all rose and grew as ideologies that sometimes may have seemed shallow in one light, but have a lot of depth and insight. They all had their reasons and much intellect behind their ideologies, whether they were contextualized in political sense as well as the social sense. There was a clash of thought as well because they were all so different. However, they ALL had flaws in my eyes. After understanding the reality of flaw from all the ideologies, my intent was to look at what was seemingly more relevant…show more content…
They believed that the job of the government is to represent the people, which eventually lead to universal male suffrage if we look at Jacksonian Democracy. What I am saying is that its effects were long lasting in relation to Conservatism and Socialism. I would also trust Liberal mentality more because it encourages free speech, freedom of press, and the freedom to excel intellectually. This is something that I find incredibly optimistic and something that would help not only the past generation and the present generation, but also the future…show more content…
It is an ideology that encourages the concept of doing things by any means necessary, ignoring the suffering of humans given the fact that at that time, humans were suffering in factories with dangerous machines, the demand for labor decreased immensely, and human unemployment increased. There is no justifying the suffering of humans and the “loss” of humanity; however this does not negate the fact that in general, liberal ideologies are more free and practical than anything else. It looks at one part of a huge discourse that can very well be solved. We are looking at the unemployment and danger to humans in regards to the innovations of machines, not liberalism as a whole. We have to understand that there was much room for improvement in that respect. Modern liberalism completely denounces that idea. The people that fight against child labor, gender equality, gay rights, etc. are mostly liberals. This is a very Liberal ideology especially today. That has definitely been something that has been solved and understood through the years that we can see with our own
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