Assignment: Professional Resume

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NR 447 Guidelines for Assignment Week 5: Professional Resume Purpose To integrate one’s leadership values and beliefs with an organization’s mission through the development of a professional resume Overview Creating a winning resume that quantifies achievements and is tailored to the organization’s mission and most important criteria of the job description is a valuable tool for securing an interview. Whether you are searching for your first nursing position or seeking to advance your career, a professional resume is a document every nurse should have on file and update frequently. This assignment is to either create that first basic professional resume, or review and revise a current resume to better reflect your professional role as…show more content…
Professional Profile20 points | Profile appears to be tailored to a hypothetical organization’s mission and hypothetical position desired; relevant knowledge, skills, and attributes (KSAs) are thoroughly highlighted 19–20 points | Profile appears to be tailored to a hypothetical organization’s mission and hypothetical position desired; relevant knowledge, skills, and attributes (KSAs) are obvious 17–18 points | Profile appears to be tailored to a hypothetical organization’s mission; relevant knowledge, skills, and attributes (KSAs) are mentioned15–16 points | Profile appears not to be tailored to a hypothetical organization’s mission or hypothetical position desired; relevant knowledge, skills, and attributes (KSAs) are not listed 0–14 points | /20…show more content…
Employment History30 points | Develops an employment history that lists relevant jobs after college in chronological order with most recent first, or before college if relevant to targeted position; information includes job title, city/state and duration; formatting uses bullets with action verbs to highlight accomplishments; uses correct tense and avoids personal pronouns 28–30 points | Develops an employment history that lists relevant jobs in chronological order after college, but maybe not the most recent first; information about jobs is complete; formatting includes bullets and action verbs but not necessarily effective ones; uses correct tense and avoid personal pronouns26–27 points | Develops an employment history that lists jobs, but not necessarily in chronological order; some information may be missing; formatting uses bullets but not action verbs, or verbs that aren’t effective; may use incorrect tense, and personal pronouns23–25 points | Develops an incomplete employment history or does not develop one at all; jobs are not listed, or the list includes those prior to college that aren’t relevant to targeted position; may not use bullets or action verbs to highlight accomplishments; may use incorrect tense, and personal pronouns0–22 points | /30

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