Assessment and Educational Interventions for Students with Ld

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Assessment and Educational Interventions for Students with LD Vernice Blackaby Grand Canyon University: SPE 359 Characteristics of Learning Disabilities and Strategies to Teach Individuals with LD May 19, 2013 Assessment and Educational Interventions for Students with LD According to the Learning Disabilities Association of America a learning disability is a “neurological condition that interferes with a person’s ability to store, process, or produce information” (Learning Disabilities Association of America, n.d.). A learning disability (LD) can affect a student’s ability to write, read, spell, figure out math, social skills, attention, and memory. Students with LDs will have a difficult time in school and will find it hard to succeed therefore it is important to find ways to detect the type of disability and then find ways to help the student. Unlike physical handicaps or disabilities like mental retardation and autism, to name a few, LDs cannot be seen and might go undetected. But with the right type of help, students with LDs can succeed and do well in school and life. The first step towards identifying an educational plan of action, the road map to success, is by testing the student to see where the needs are. When a parent, or an educator, suspect there might be a problem, parents and school personnel can get together to intervene before an assessment is made. If a LD is suspected, then the team can begin the assessment process. But before a test to check for a LD is done, it would be wise to check for other possible issues or disabilities that might be interfering with the student’s learning. Some of these issues could including physical problems with vision or hearing, also there could be issues to cultural or environmental factors, or other types of physical problems like a brain injury. Once other issues or problems are ruled out and it is

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