Assess The Costs And Benefits Of Oil Production In

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Assess the costs and benefits of oil production in regions around the world. (15 marks) As a result of all production around the world there are many costs and benefits on a global and local scale. Globally oil is the world’s largest oil and political influence crossing the international boundaries. Several of the world’s largest transnational enterprises are oil companies. Oil is often found in remote hostile locations such as Antarctica or the Middle East. Oil has global political influences. Western countries are seeking to gain political influence in regions of the Middle East that have a large oil reserves. As a result of the west’s hunger for oil the increase in price has been a major drain on the financial reserves of many developed countries and beyond the reach of most developing countries, because of this developing countries are forced to use less effective fuels. One attempts by western countries to ensure a supply of oil has been the BT C pipeline, which is brought problems than benefits for the country’s that it runs through and the people of those countries. For Azerbaijan is hoped that the BT CP oil pipeline will help them to maintain their independence from Russia. However Azerbaijan is one of the world’s most corrupt countries so little of the money made from the oil pipeline will be used benefit people of Azerbaijan. BT C pipeline also runs through Georgia and other countries seeking to maintain independent from Russia. Have allowed the pipeline to pass through one of its national Parks which is famous for exporting mineral water, if an oil spill were to occur in this area it would be devastating for the wildlife and mineral water export which is George’s largest single export meaning many people would be out of work. People’s land in Georgia that the pipeline passes under having given a one off payment of 500 U.S. dollars which the
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