Armed Guards Essay

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D’Anthony Davis C.Poovey 30 April 2013 Armed guards in Schools In our world today things have got really crazy in our school systems. From the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and the other shooting that happened at Virginia Tech. Now that all that has happened they have started to put armed guards in the schools all across the world. In my eye that is a good way to stop all the crime in schools but some people think different. Armed guards are there to protect the people in the school. Also, they are there for shakedowns to check for contraband and do surveillance on the over all of the school. The first reason why I think guards are a wonderful thing to have in schools is that they provide protection to the students. By giving protection to the students they are to protect they are able to feel safe at all times. In the article “Schools Wrestle with Issue of Armed Guards” it stated that, “The firearm is there to protect students from bad guys on the outside, not to use on students," Mr. Hamill said. To underscore the dangers facing schools today, he cited a campus lockdown during a pawnshop robbery near a school two years ago, and another incident in which a criminal suspect fleeing arrest entered and dashed through an elementary school” (Education Week). I agree with these quotes. Because I think the there should be armed gurads in our schools around the world. The second reason I think armed guards are good to have in school is because they supply shakedowns. They are supposed to supply shakedowns before you even get on the campus of the school to search for contraband. This second article I looked at is from dealing with in Institution and how they shack down people before they walk into the building. Harlow, Lisa states “Searching offenders, employees and property is a duty that Green takes very seriously. Contraband, such as drugs, weapons
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