Argumentative Essay: A Shot At Gun Control

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A Shot at Gun Control In 1776, our Constitution was written by our forefathers. The 2nd Amendment, “The Right to Bear Arms”, was constructed deliberately so that all citizens had the right to carry weapons and protect themselves against a government that could become to powerful or tyrannical. In the years that followed, the creation of the Constitution, the 2nd amendment was essential and fundamental to the growth of our country as a whole, but now over 200 years later the 2nd amendment has become fundamentally flawed in current modern society. Most citizens nowadays don’t carry firearms for protection and for the use of sustenance. Citizens today use firearms for more devious actions. Consider the following: grade school kids of all ages…show more content…
and Robert Kennedy the 1960’s were two foundational instances when the government knew they had to act and strengthen gun control laws. Gun control laws have always been an issue for every state. One of the biggest issues is that we don’t have enough people that are willing to speak up for stricter gun control laws. According to an Associated Press poll in December, “only half of Americans thought that gun laws should be stricter and 15% actually said they should be less strict.” I think we can all agree that gun control laws should be stricter. There are people who are mentally ill that are able to purchase guns with the intent of killing people. Laws for purchasing guns should be strengthened. A simple background check should not be the only thing in the way of a person purchasing weapons. The National Rifle Association was founded in 1871 as a sporting and hunting association, they supported most gun control regulation for its first 100 years. Now the National Rifle Association members are in favor requiring an extensive background check, and “69 percent support requiring all gun sellers at gun shows to conduct criminal background checks of the people buying guns; 59 percent favor mandatory registration of handguns; and 77 percent favor a waiting period for the purchase of a handgun.” All of these are would make it harder for people to purchase guns and allow proper documentation for every gun. They should be…show more content…
"Keeping Students and Schools Safe." Reclaiming Children and Youth 14.2 (2005): 93. "Gun Control and School Violence:: Wondering what to Worry about." The Charleston Gazette: 15.
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