Argumentative Essay: Gun Control Is Out Of Control

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Gun Control is Out of Control "At the moment you determine that there is a credible threat here, a credible possibility, the duty to warn is triggered if you will." These words by Dr. Richard Martinez, a director of forensic psychiatry with Denver Health Medical Center, speak of James Holmes’ mind. James Holmes is a man with “mental health” issues. On July 20, 2012, James decided to go to a screening of a movie with a firearm in Aurora, Colorado. What resulted were twelve deaths and fifty-eight people injured. It may sound cliché, but the man fired the weapon. Not the gun, but the man. Developing stricter gun control laws is a debatable subject these days. Everyone from the parents of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting to President Obama has their views on this topic. Since many mass murders have taken place in the United States of America, the citizens of the country have asked for stricter gun control laws. However, they are looking at this problem the wrong way. Making stricter gun control laws are not what we need to do; what we need to do is to find a way to protect and assist the people of the U.S.A. at the same time. What is a black market? A black market is a way to illegally obtain objects that are against the law to own. If the people of America decide to ban firearms, a black market for…show more content…
Sure, guns fire out bullets that can injure and possibly kill others, but who makes the guns fire? The people who pull the trigger do. What the people of the U.S. need to is to stop focusing on stricter gun control laws and focus on the topic on hand. Mass murderers such as James Holmes of the Aurora shooting and Seung-Hui Cho, who committed the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, have mental illnesses. Funding should be given to research of how to cure mental illnesses that lead to destruction. Banning firearms would prove to be no help to people with mental disabilities.

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