Argument Presentation Essay

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Topic: Addiction Thesis Statement: Understanding drug addiction and proper treatments for individuals who become addicted to drugs Argument 1 Are Doctor's responsible for drug addiction? Drug addiction and abuse is a very hard addiction to break. Alot of individuals who became addicts said their addiction began do to an injury sustained and a doctor prescribing opiates. Alot of doctor's don't really look at all the possibilities of a injury and start prescribing painkillers and just continue to refill the medication making the individual become an addict. "Doctors must be sure they're focused on the whole patient and not just the symptoms when prescribing opioids, or any medication for that matter." (Los Angeles, April 24,2014/PRNewswire) Source Waismann Method Copyright 2014 Argument 2 Is addiction a disease? When a person becomes addicted to drugs they cannot stop using, even when they know the drugs are causing alot of bodily harm. A drug addict has no control over the way their body feels when they do not have the drug, therefore leaves them no other choice but to use do to going into withdrawal. According to the (AMA) drug addiction and alcoholism are considered diseases. (Pietras, N) Serendip's Exchange 01/17/2008 Argument 3 Should drug addicts go to prison or rehab? Addiction is hard to control and everyone should have a chance to go to rehab. Individuals addicted to drugs need help not incarcerated. Incarceration will cause an addict to go into withdrawal symptoms and possibly death as rehab will give them the help theu need with the proper
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