Are Fat People Happier than Thin People?

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Are Fat People Happier than Thin People? What is beauty? There are as many definitions of beauty as there are people on this earth. The answer to this question has infinite possibilities. The fashion industry makes it seem that a beautiful woman needs to display the clothing she wears in the correct manner. To do this she must have the perfect body, which means to have curves in the right places, to be thin, and tall. From the beginning of childhood, girls play with the most common precious toy, the Barbie doll- a blonde, tan, beautiful attempted replica of the perfect woman. As young girls become teenagers, they further continue along a path that distorts their perceptions of beauty. So who are happier fat women or thin women? Scientist James Watson, the Nobel prize-winning geneticist who was jointly responsible for discovering the structure of DNA, believes that fat women are happier than thin ones. A new study has revealed that, rather than being content and confident, slim people struggle to deal with life’s woes. Anxiety and mental suffering often dominate their lives- to such a degree that they are much more likely to commit suicide than large people. This recent research undertaken by the Bristol University discovered that for each 5kg per square meter increase in body mass index (BMI), the risk of suicide decreased by 15 percent. Over a 16-year period, the ups and downs of more than a million lives were examined and it was found that as a person’s BMI rose the risk of serious depression fell. And when the scientist considered more than 3,000 people who had committed suicide they found that their BMI was on average significantly lower then those who did not kill themselves. Not fatness alone cause people to be happier, but increase in body mass index (fat & muscle mass) which, think researchers, is correlated with insulin resistance, and insulin

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