Architectural Detailing: an Expression, a Function, or Both

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ARCHITECTURAL DETAILING: AN EXPRESSION, A FUNCTION, OR BOTH Details in architecture are commonly understood as joints. As a material joint, it functions as a connection between structural elements. As a formal joint, it functions as a connection between spaces.(Frascari, 1984, as cited in Nesbitt, 1996). Architecture does not exist without transitions, and transitions do not exist without connections. Therefore, details as connections are ubiquitous in architecture. However, the way they facilitate transitions from one architectural element to another, is unique in each architectural composition. The varying approaches in applying details as facilitators of transitions, are generally driven by expression, function, or both. When architectural detailing is executed as an expression, it can be observed as a solution driven by human perception. When the focus of intent in detailing is derived from such intangibles, it is evident that considerations of practicality and performance are of secondary importance. When details are applied as a function, it is a response to physical characteristics of structural elements, climatic conditions, and economic conditions. In this approach, the expression is merely a manifestation of abutting conditions. When detailing is considered in a manner where expressive intentions and functional requirements are considered simultaneously within relevant context, the produced result could be seen as a solution that is remarkable in its expression of meaning, and performance of function. The form and function of detailing is produced in harmony without compromises made in favor of one. The application of details in architecture entails expression. Everything that is created has form, which naturally evokes verbalization.(Gregotti, 1983, as cited in Nesbitt, 1996). Details will always be expressive components of architecture because

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