Appropriate Resources In The Local Community

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Zara Thomas Criterion 3.1 Identify a range of appropriate resources in the local community. 1. Scenario- Kate and John separated a few months ago and Kate is looking after their son Ben (aged 2) on her own. She feels depressed and vulnerable and is worried about money and keeping her house. She wants to know about getting child support for Ben from John and any benefits she’s entitled to. Where can Kate get the information and advice she needs? Name of resource: What it does: child maintenance can try and find the other parent of the child if you cannot find the parent yourselves.they sort out disagreements about parentage (which means if they believe they are not the father to the child),…show more content…
Name of resource: What it does: They give you benefits calculators which find out what benefits you could get and how much you could get and how to claim. They give you information and how and when your benefits are paid. Information on all the benefits are there. Contact details: or local job centres. 2. Scenario: Jane’s seven month old baby has Down’s syndrome. She would like to meet other parents who are in a similar situation. Name of resources: Contact a family. What it does: to ending the poverty, disadvantage and isolation experienced by families with disabled children across the UK. They can support families whatever their child's disability or health condition with a wide range of life-changing help and services. Contact Details: 0808 808 3555, Monday-Friday, 9.30am-5pm, Name of resources: Down’s Syndrome Association. What it does: They give information on help lines, benefits, education and health. Advising new parents or anyone experiencing difficulties. Advising on employment for people with Down’s syndrome. They also do communications, training and…show more content…
Scenario- Jenny and Mark have been rowing constantly since Emma was born six weeks ago. Mark was uncertain about being a father but hoped he would feel better when the baby arrived. He really wanted a son, Jenny had a long and difficult labour, and has been physically weak and weepy since she came out of hospital. Mark has left and gone to live with his mother. Both Jenny and Mark want to make the marriage work, but they are hardly on speaking terms. Name of resources: NHS Choices / Services and support for parents. What it does: They give you advice and information on health services for the parents, Local authority services, independent advice centres. They also give useful website, help lines and support group for parents. Contact Details: Name of resources: Family lives. What it does: They support families with all aspects of family life that include all stages of a child’s development, issues with schools and parenting/relationship support. When they respond when life becomes more complicated and provide support around family breakdown, aggression in the home, bullying at school, teenage risky behaviour and mental health concerns of both parents and their children. They provide a 24 hour helpline, advice website, email service, live chat and parenting/relationship support

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