Ap Psychology Group Process Essay

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Study Guide Exam 3 PSY 131: Chapter 9, 11- 13 Chapter 9: Group Processes 1) Group: Three or more people who interact and are interdependent in the sense that their needs/goals cause them to influence each other 2) Social Roles: Shared expectations in a group about how particular people are supposed to behave 3) Social Facilitation: The tendency for people to do better on simple tasks and worse on complex tasks when they are in the presence of others and their individual performance can be evaluated; presence of others causes alertness (arousal) 4) Deindividuation: The loosening of normal constraints on behavior when people cannot be identified. Getting lost in a crowd can lead to an unleashing of behaviors that we would never dream of doing by ourselves. 5) Process Loss: Any aspect of group interaction that inhibits good problem solving 6) Transactive Memory: The…show more content…
(Ex. Groups of young people will often do stupid things that they later bitterly regret). 9) Great Person Theory: The idea that certain key personality traits make a person a good leader, regardless of the situation 10) Transactional Leaders: Leaders who set clear, short-tem, goals and reward people who meet them 11) Contingent Theory of Leadership: The idea that leadership effectiveness depends both on how task-oriented or relationship-oriented the leader is and on the amount of control and influence the leader has over the group 12) Task-Oriented Leader: A leader who is concerned more with getting the job done than the workers’ feelings and relationships 13) Relationship-Oriented Leader: A leader who is concerned primarily with workers’ feelings and relationships 14) Social Dilemma: A conflict in which the most beneficial action for an individual will, if chosen by most people, have harmful effects on

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