Analysis Of The Locavore Movement

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While driving through my grandmother’s quiet town of Bloomfield, you might encounter a quiet yet thriving farmer’s market on the outskirts of town. Weekly, farmers bring their crops to be sold to local buyers. Here is the locavore movement, intrinsically linked not only to a close knit quiet town, but also to issues of nutrition, sustainability, and economics. Locally grown food is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying tastier, healthier food at a lower cost. The nutritional value of food grown locally is far superior to that of alien products with many food miles to them (items shipped over oceans, countries, and borders). The majority of food at your local food market was harvested less then 24 hours ago (source),…show more content…
"If you want the region's economy to build, you have to spend money inside the region," said Bill Weida, president of the Socially Responsible Agricultural Project, retired regional economist and eater of food that comes mostly from near his home in Idaho. "If you're a locavore, that's a big help." Buying chain grocery store food sends money out, while buying from local farms like the Blahas' keeps it close to home, Weida said. He also said being able to see where your food comes from is better than blindly hoping you'd approve of how it's raised” (Spenceley, "LIVING LA VIDA LOCAVORE; A week of eating local introduces a new way of looking at life"). Small farmers benefit from consumers who choose them over Stop & Shop’s aisles of imports, and these small farmers are getting help from the government. When you buy local more money stays in the community. This would not be the case however if you bought from a big food chain which sends the money out all over the place. For local business owners, the money that is spent locally will eventually find its way back to them which in return helps strengthen the local economy and helps local businesses thrive and grow. While some argue that buying local threatens small farmers elsewhere in the world, they ignore that if everyone bought local food, everyone’s local economies would improve. Even in places such as Africa where many are malnourished can benefit because if their crops…show more content…
Economic stimulations, tastier and healthier foods, and saving the world are all great reasons to give the movement a try. Go to your nearest Stop & Shop and buy a carton of strawberries. Then go to your nearest farmer market and buy one of their cartons of strawberries. You decide which tastes better. Works Cited "Are you loco for locavores?" Hickory Daily Record [Hickory, NC] 19 Nov. 2008. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 7 Feb. 2012 "Organic and Locally Grown Foods." Environmental Science: In Context. Ed. Brenda Wilmoth Lerner and K. Lee Lerner. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 2009. 645-648. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 7 Feb. 2012. Spenceley, Arleen. "LIVING LA VIDA LOCAVORE; A week of eating local introduces a new way of looking at life." St. Petersburg Times [St. Petersburg, FL] 29 Oct. 2008: 6E. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 7 Feb.

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