American Cultural Imperialism

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“Cultural imperialism is the practice of promoting, distinguishing, separating, and artificially injecting the culture or language of one nation in another” Usually, the country who is colonizing must be large and economically powerful to influence a smaller and less affluent nation. When arguing about American cultural imperialism, one must refer to the United States as the “American Empire” This term expresses the “historical expansionism and the current political, economical, and cultural influence” of the United States on the world. American cultural imperialism redefines cultures and creates cultural diversity. Cultures all over the world are seeing their basic beliefs altered in significant ways. Cultural diversity promotes equality by minimizing differences. Another way American imperialism influences the world is by contributing to the flow of ideas, flow of people, and flow of trade. In other words, it has led to globalization. American cultural imperialism has had rewarding effects on the world. One way American cultural imperialism affects the world is by redefining cultures and creating cultural diversity. Cultural diversity can be defined as “the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region, or in the world as a whole.” In other words, cultures all over the world are seeing their principles and traditions change considerably. As a case in point, today English has become the world’s common language. Many schools, outside the United States, are teaching English as a second language. English is also highly demanded in the business world. Most businesses around the globe use English to operate. This helps them to better communicate with other businesses domestically and internationally. Another way cultural imperialism redefines cultures is by compromising the concepts of morality. Cultures from different regions have distinctive views of
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