Abraham Maslow Essay

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Abraham Maslow Abraham Harold Maslow was an American humanistic psychologist who was best known for creating a theory of self-actualization known as “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.” Humanistic psychologists believe that every person has a strong desire to realize his or her full potential and to reach a level of self-actualization. In his work, Maslow emphasized the importance of focusing on the positive qualities in people. Maslow first introduced his theory of self-actualization in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” and his book Motivation and Personality. He proposed in these works his concept of a hierarchy of needs, which suggested that people are driven to fulfill basic needs before moving on to other more advanced needs. To demonstrate that humans were not mindlessly reacting to situations, but striving to achieve, Maslow studied individuals who were mentally healthy as opposed to those with serious psychological issues (Hoffman 2011). The self-actualized individuals Maslow studied informed his theory that a person enjoys “peak experiences.” These experiences were defined as profound moments of love, understanding, happiness or bliss, during which a person would feel more whole, alive and or self-sufficient. Maslow’s observations concluded that self-actualized people could have many peak experiences throughout a day while others have those experiences less frequently (Hoffman 1992). Maslow concluded in his research and theories that self-actualization could be achieved if the deficiency needs and the growth or being needs of the individual were met. The hierarchy of needs is commonly arranged in the form of a pyramid. The lowest levels of the pyramid are made up of the most basic needs, the “deficiency needs”, while the more complex needs, the “being needs”, are situated towards the top of the pyramid. The “deficiency needs” include the

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