ADHD And Bipolar Disorder Case Study

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Two cases are represented to show the effects and results of treatment used on ADHD children and children with bipolar disorder. The experiment chooses to use two ten year old boys, Seth and Eric, who are diagnosed with either ADHD or bipolar disorder. Seth was a hyperactive child who was violent, impulsive, and had many problems growing up. Just at the age of five he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder after attempting the use of Methylphenidate. After being diagnosed he went through a series of medicines to help balance his behavior which failed until the prescription which met his needs were used. His parents were divorced and had issues of themselves that could be reflected in his behavior. Eric was a hyperactive and impulsive child…show more content…
Symptoms have been known to show both ADHD and bipolar effects such as anger/irritability, tantrums and insomnia. To prevent mistreatment from ADHD with mania or without it there are treatments that coincide with each other. If a child were to have ADHD with bipolar disorder they would try to treat the mood problems before they start worrying about the ADHD symptoms. Treatments for these symptoms vary from stimulant medicines to academic accommodations. There have been three studies that show the use of ADHD medicines with antimanic medicines help improve behavior in the children. While studies for medicines were held, there has also been a placebo experiment to see if ADHD and bipolar disorder could somehow be helped by using controlled substances to improve behavior. With diagnosing a child with bipolar disorder it is crucial to accommodate how other people view the situation. For example: some psychiatrists would diagnose bipolar disorder without the presence of episodes such as Seth, while others wouldn’t. Eric’s diagnosis of bipolar disorder would make more sense because he had a period of heightened behavior after the treatment of his first medication trial. Also Eric happens to have a background history of Bipolar and ADHD disorders whereas Seth…show more content…
As in the cases of Eric and Seth, medication or treatment for these occurring problems have not yet been made perfect yet so symptoms will continue to come up. These disorders in children need to be dealt with having an open mind and a constant review of treatment and observations to get accurate results. Also with children the main goal is to evaluate and understand the child not to simply diagnose
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