A Rhetorical Analysis Of The New York Times By Sara Mosle

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This article written by Sara Mosle was published on 20th Dec, 2012 in one of the opinion pages of the The New York Times. The article was published after the 6 days of the great shooting that killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown. In this article the author discusses the importance of the knowledge of the terrible event like the Newtown’s shooting for the children. She is trying to convince the parents and the teachers that these kinds of events are not worth hiding. She argues that as a mother she even wants to hide these types of details from her 9 years old daughter but as a teacher she feels it necessary to tell the children that they can face these kinds of things may be many times in the future. The author is right when she says that the children should be aware of these tragedies but I disagree with…show more content…
She used all the three techniques of the persuasions very successfully. She uses ethos when she again and again says that as a teacher I feel like this or as a parent I have decided this. She knows that the credibility of her as a teacher and a mother is enough to make her audience believe in what she says. As a teacher she could have used her credibility to convince the people to think of some other ways of keeping the children safe. She also uses the logos when she describes that the statistics has shown that the gun keeping do not guarantee your normal death rather it contributes to the more risk of death by shooting. She says, “Rigorous, peer-reviewed studies have shown that keeping a gun in your home increases the likelihood that you will die there from gun violence. Nancy Lanza’s guns didn’t protect her” (MOSLE). This means that keeping the guns do not give the protections rather it is riskier to keep them. As a teacher she should not have given a baised analyses rather she should have given some positive examples of keeping the

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