A Readers’ Response to I'M Going! a Comedy in One Act

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Going through this weeks’ assigned reading, there were a lot of interesting piece for me to choose to write about, but the one that grasped my attention the most was I'm Going! A Comedy in One Act by Tristan Bernard. This scene included “A room in the apartment of Henri and Jeanne, in Paris” (Clugston, 2010). It begins with Henri telling his wife he is going to the horse race and her telling him she wants to accompany him. He really wants to go to the race alone so he spends the majority of the scene trying to convene her not to come. He repeatedly ask her to go alone and givers her several reasons why it will not be enjoyable if she goes. When that fails, he tries to use reverse phycology by saying he would rather not go if she insist to come with him. Eventually she gives in and he is free to go, but when he finds out that she is not staying at home but decided to go out with a friend, he becomes suspicious. He then drills her with a series of question because he thinks she maybe plotting revenge on him by secretly seeing another man. When he is assured that this is not the case, he attempts to leave for the race again; only this time he tells Jeanne that he wants her to stay home all together. They discuss it for a moment and he finally guilt’s her into staying at home and the scene ends. The first thing that captures my interest about this play is the fact that I love to read comical literature that portrays real life and this play is a farce. “A farce is [also] a comedy, a play, in which both subtle humor and hilarity are developed through improbable situations, exaggeration, and antics” (Clugston, 2010). Henri is a great example of this being that “farce are almost always guilty of excessive behavior” (Hayes, 2010. p. 25). It has to be over the top and ridiculous in order to be added to that genre. I also enjoyed it because it was easier to follow then
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