Examples Of Haste In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet LESSONS WITHIN THE PLAY Ryan Tomlinson Mrs. Bryans December 21, 2012 ENG2D Romeo and Juliet There are many lessons that are taught throughout Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. There is one larger lesson that is taught in Romeo and Juliet, which is, not to act with haste. Both families, the Capulets and Montagues, had to confront the realities of what lesson they have brought upon themselves. These acts of haste are when Romeo and Juliet decide to get married, Romeo’s decision to get revenge on Tybalt, and the influences of supporting characters. Love will affect people in many ways and make them do crazy things. This first act of haste is before Romeo sees Juliet but when he decides to go inside the Capulet ball after a few sentences that Benvolio said to convince him knowing he was a Montague, an enemy. With only one look at Juliet he is already madly in…show more content…
Lord Capulet, Juliet's father, is constantly demanding her to marry Paris, the gentleman he chose to wed his daughter and become her husband. Capulet's plan was for Juliet to marry Paris on the Wednesday but then came Tybalt's death. Therefore, Lord Capulet decided to move her wedding to the Thursday. Lord Capulet said, “Go, Nurse, go with her; we'll to church tomorrow” (4.ii.37). He then continued to make everything move fast and only slowing things down by a day even after a tragedy. Also, the Friar Lawrence has a large impact with haste. First, he marries Romeo and Juliet without questioning it much hoping it will reunite the families together and end the feud. After Juliet knows she will have to marry Paris, she asks the Friar for help. Right away the Friar gives Juliet a potion to take that will make her seem dead and last for 42 hours before waking up, as a result, she will not have to marry Paris. Friar Lawrence
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