A Personal Induction Will Always Be More Effective

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This essay will focus on the statement “A personalised induction will always be more effective”, looking at theoretical concepts and techniques presented in the classroom, and then discuss the alternative points of view. To understand the above statement better this essay will offer an explanation of what a Personalised Induction is. Then it will look at how a screed could be tailored to create a personalised induction. It will then give a brief history of some of the practitioners whose work has been relevant in the development of personalised inductions. And lastly, it will discuss the validity of the above statement o offering arguments both for and against it. What is a Personalised Induction? A personalised induction is a hypnotic induction tailored to suit a specific individual. Everybody is different in their likes and dislikes, how they interpret and communicate with the world, and how they communicate with others. Variations such as upbringing, religious and cultural differences, and different outlooks and values all contribute to these differences. This means that one person’s likes may be another person’s dislikes. A screed for an induction should ideally include as many likes, and where possible no dislikes, as likes can relax a person and put them at ease, and dislikes can distress someone and make them uneasy. And as was explored in the previous essay, relaxation is vital for an effective induction. It is estimated that about 7% of communication is through the words we use, and 55% is through body language, with rate and tone of voice being 38%. As the individual will most likely have their eyes shut throughout an induction the hypnotherapist will lose over half of their opportunity to communicate. This is why the emphasis is placed on choosing the wording of a screed carefully, so as to maximize the effectiveness of the 7%
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