Factors Related To Substance Abuse And Addiction

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Explain factors related to the development of substance abuse or addictive behaviour & examine prevention strategies and treatments for substance abuse and addictive behaviour (22 marks) A substance is anything that people can ingest to alter mood, cognition or behaviour: specifically to induce feelings of self-confidence, fun or relaxation. However, there is an issue with ‘substances’, in that they can often cause a dependence or addiction. An addiction can be described as the behavioural and other responses that include compulsion to certain substances continuously, in order to avoid psychological and physiological deficits in the absence of the substance: namely discomfort, anxiety etc. An addiction may relate to anything in one’s life which may cause the process of uncontrollable usage. This essay shall seek to outline the key reasons for development of a substance abuse, whilst assessing the prevention strategies and treatment for the subsequent substance abuses and addictive behaviours - with key reference to smoking and addiction to nicotine. From a biological perspective, there are a number of factors which relate to the causation of substance abuse and addictive behaviours. Drugs often stimulate the release of hormones which are conducive with positive feelings. In the case of smoking, the drug is nicotine and hormone released is adrenaline. This increases the heart rate of the individual, which leads to the release of dopamine, associated with pleasure. Acetylcholine receptors in the brain adapt to what they regard as normal levels of the hormones released, making smoking a necessity to maintain the new ‘normal’ level of pleasure. This is why smoking becomes a ‘necessary’ habit to maintain, as stopping can cause withdrawal symptoms such as irritable behaviour, sadness, anger, stress, fidgeting and depression. Smoking is considered as ‘addictive’
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