Managing Pain And Discomfort Essay

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Explain the importance of a Holistic approach to managing pain and discomfort. Using holistic approach is important on the approach to managing pain and discomfort as it can get to the root of the problem and the pain can be coming from different parts of the body. Describe different approaches to alleviate pain and minimise discomfort. You can alleviate pain and minimise discomfort by repositioning somebody in a chair or in bed reposition their clothes or by even just putting a pillow between themselves and where the pain is originating from. Outline agreed ways of working that relate to managing pain and discomfort. Agreed ways of working that relate to managing pain are the homes policies for pain management. Medication that…show more content…
You can encourage someone to express feelings of discomfort or pain by making sure they know that is safe to do so around you and taking your time to ask them. Encourage an individual to you self-help methods of pain control. The best way to encourage them is to remind them of all the ways it can help them and make them more comfortable without any more medication. Assist an individual to be positioned safely and comfortably. This is important as an individual could have more pain down the left side of the body in which case laying them on their right to make it more comfortable for them to sleep or even just to sit. Carry out agreed measures to alleviate pain and discomfort. Some individuals pain is so severe that it can only be treated with medication others have pain relief gels or can be repositioned and made more comfortable. Carry out required monitoring activities relating to management of an individual pain discomfort. It is important to monitor someone's pain or discomfort as if you can see it getting worse and they are already medicate to the highest dosage then the GP may be able to change to medication to something more

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