Cognitive Dissonance Essay

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Define cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is the conflict that occurs when a person holds two contradictory attitudes or thoughts (referred to as cognitions). (Feldman, 2011) Cognitive Dissonance is a psychological term for the discomfort that most people feel when encounter information which contradicts their existing set of beliefs. (Out of the Fog, 2007-2011) What happens when a person experiences cognitive dissonance? * People who are experiencing cognitive dissonance may adopt a pattern of denial, diversion and defensiveness to control their discomfort. They may also alternate between periods of denial and periods of self shame when they try to compensate or make amends. (Out of the Fog, 2007-2011) * Non personality-disordered (non-PD) individuals often experience cognitive dissonance when they are confronted with evidence that their partner, spouse, parent, sibling or child is not behaving in a loving way toward them. This may contradict their belief or desire that their family is healthy or normal. (Out of the Fog, 2007-2011) * Non-PD’s may also experience cognitive dissonance when they discover that their own reactions or responses to challenging behavior on the part of a family member do not reveal their best side. They may display occasional angry outbursts, actions of deception or retribution, such as violence, shouting, name calling, sabotage, affairs, gossip and slander. Following such actions they may feel shameful, worthless, or powerless. They may feel regret that they have handed justification for bad behavior to the abusive person in their home. They may even blame themselves for contributing to the abuse and dysfunction in the home. (Out of the Fog, 2007-2011) Describe the four methods the book describes to eliminate cognitive dissonance. 1. Modifying one or both of the cognitions 2. Changing the perceived

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