15 Curative Factors of Becomming a Councelor

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Curative Factors 1-HOPE- This is a belief that change is possible-that one is not a victim of the past and that new decisions can be made. 2-COMMITMENT TO CHANGE- Commitment to change involves a willingness to specify what changes are desired, and the willingness to explore and change one's behavior. 3-WILLINGNESS TO RISK AND TRUST- Risking involves opening oneself to others,being vulnerable.This willingness involves trust from each individual. 4-CARING- Caring is demonstrated by listening and involvement of others.It can be expressed by tenderness, compassion, support, and even confrontation. 5-ACCEPTANCE- This involves a genuine support from others that says,in effect, ‘We will accept all of your feelings.’ Acceptance involves affirming a persons right to have his own feelings and values and to express them. 6-EMPATHY-Involves a deep understanding of another's struggles. 7-INTIMACY-The ability to feel closeness in a group,and with others. 8-POWER- This is not a power over others. It is one's power to be yourself and direct the course of ones life. 9-FREEDOM TO EXPERIMENT- Expressing new behavior of oneself. 10-FEEDBACK- Being able to understand and accept the impact u have on others. 11-CATHARSIS- The expression of boxed up feelings that a person may holding toward others. Positive or negative could exist. 12-THE COGNITIVE COMPONENT- Understanding of intense feelings associated with certain experiences to make significant changes. 13-LEARNING INTERPERSONAL SKILLS- Learning to not isolate yourself from others. Asking others for feedback and what u may need. 14-HUMOR- Being able to laugh at oneself. 15-GROUP COHESION- A togetherness of the group and its participants. Providing participants a way to feel free to share problems and experiment with new behaviors. This depends
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