1. How Will You Influence People to Strive Willingly for Group Objectives in Your Organization (Target Based Industry)? Apply Your Interpersonal Influence Through Communication Process Towards Attaining Your Specialized Goals?

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1. How will you influence people to strive willingly for group objectives in your organization (Target based industry)? Apply your interpersonal influence through communication process towards attaining your specialized goals? A big challenge faced by managers in any company is keeping their group/team together and ensuring that each and every group member is focused toward achieving the common goals and objectives assigned to the group by the company. A manager is successful only when he/she is able to extract the maximum efficiency from each group member. Especially in today's business environment when objectives are becoming more and more difficult to achieve and teams are becoming smaller due to cost constraints. A manager cannot afford to allow laxity in even a single group/team member. Motivating a group of people presents a challenge for every group leaders. Every individual has different motivating factors and you may be faced with a group of people who each need to be motivated in a different way. To get an entire group or team motivated to work on a project, special care must be paid to the motivating factors used and the individual personalities of the people who need to be motivated. Step 1 Give the entire group a set focus. Whenever we are working with a group, it is essential to have everyone on the same page. It is also helpful if they can feel unified in reaching the end result of a project. If necessary, schedule regular team meetings to make sure that everyone in the group is motivated and working toward their individual goals as a part of the whole. Step 2 Offer a tiered reward system. If the project is finished early, the entire group should get a large reward. If it is finished on time, a good but somewhat smaller reward should be sufficient. Monetary rewards are typically universal and offering everyone a bonus for finishing ahead of

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