Antigone Essays

  • Antigone And Creon: Tragic Characters

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    Creon’s tragic flaw is that he is to prideful. Creon insists on killing Antigone because she disobeyed his decree. When Haimon questions his decision, Creon replies by saying,” I’ll have no dealing with law breakers” (792, 35-36). Creon is explaining to Haimon that he will not deal with any rule breakers and that Antigone will be put to die along with her traitor of a brother. Creon’s pride is what leads to the death of Haimon, his son, and the Queen, his wife.

  • Does Creon Conform to the Traditional Understanding of the Portrayal of the Protagonist or the Antagonist in Heaney’s “the Burial at Thebes”?

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    In Seamus Heaney’s “The Burial at Thebes”, Antigone, daughter of Oedipus, goes against the king Creon’s orders by burying her brother Polyneices, even though he has specifically ordered for him not to be. Antigone’s actions and bravery throughout the book make us, the reader, see her as the protagonist in the play and, as a result, we sympathise with her. However, her actions and consequences cause debate as to whether or not she really is the protagonist in this play especially when compared to Creon. Looking at traditional Greek literature a character has to go through a series of events to be considered as a protagonist. Antigone does not actually do this in “The Burial at Thebes” but Creon exhibits characteristics reflective of both Aristotle’s concepts of peripeteia and anagonrisis.

  • Analysis and Criticism of 'Antigone': The Missing Dialogue

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    Chen Liang Professor David Swartz ENG 102A 2012.3.3 Analysis and Criticism to “Antigone: The Missing Dialogue” One of seven surviving dramas composed by the famed Athenian playwright Sophocles, Antigone is, in terms of narrative chronology, the last of the three-part Theban cycle. It is a magnificent drama filled with strong politics, eulogizes the spirit of Antigone, who is a tender woman with a brave heart to fight for her belief and sacrifice for her family. At that time, women were suffering from sexism and powerless in their family, especially in the hereditary ruling class. It is a conflict between the nature law of God and the power of a fatuous mortal ruler. After reading Antigone, every reader knows that the story happened in Antigone, not only reflects freedom and justice of thought the residents have, but also writes a scene of tragedy in a family and between two lovers.

  • How Does Anouilh’s Version of Antigone Differ from Sophocles’s Version?

    522 Words  | 3 Pages

    The tragic hero/heroine was a person who went beyond ordinary behavior or thinking and was punished for it. They defied the decrees of the gods and fate. Sophocles’s Antigone, however rebellious, is admired for sacrificing herself to perform the burial rites for her brother, claiming that the state cannot override the religious law. In Anouilh’s version, religion is thrown out as a concern when Creon gets Antigone to admit that ritual is meaningless. The tragic conflict instead boils down to the individual (Antigone) standing up for her

  • Antigone: Its Relevance Then And Now

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    The heroine, Antigone, defies the king’s decree regarding her dead brother and several important issues are raised. Among them are the importance of family ties versus loyalty to the state and the willingness to defy those in power in order to do what someone feels is right and proper. The play opens with a conversation between Antigone and her sister Ismene regarding the fate of their brothers Eteocles and Polynices. Polynices had deserted a battle line and in a fight with Eteocles, both were killed. Creon, The king of Thebes proclaimed that Eteocles should have an honored burial, but that Polynices was to be left unburied so that he may be eaten by wild animals.

  • Antigone vs. Creon: Struggles, Beliefs, and Morals

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    Antigone supports the laws of the God’s in heaven and believes that if someone is not given proper burial rites after death, they will not go to heaven. Her religious views were very important to her and the love for her brother would ultimately sway her decisions to go against the law of the king. Creon’s laws and orders became very personal to Antigone, and she took offense and felt as if his law was invading her family and going against the gods. Antigone says, “…I will bury him myself. And even if I die in the act, that death will be a glory.

  • Antigone: a Summary

    428 Words  | 2 Pages

    Antigone, the sister of both Polynices and Eteocles believes that both brothers have the right to be buried, because she loves them both. Going against the rule of the king, Antigone buries Polynices. By doing this, she stands by her original beliefs and is willing to accept all consequences that accompany burying her brother. Within the first lines of the tragedy, Antigone confronts her sister with her idea of burying Polynices. Her sister, Ismene, opposes Antigones decision to go against the kings orders and bury their brother.

  • Antigone, Literary Analysis of a Tragic Hero

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    To Creon she was arrogant because she would not do anything she was told even though it came from him, the king. Heroes must also have a downfall which evokes the audience pity, which in this case is when Antigone dies fighting for her brothers proper burial rights. After arguing so much with Creon about what seems to be right. She decides to take a chance and bury her brother properly after being denied to do so. She is locked up and sentenced to death by Creon.

  • Differences in the Treatment of the Tragedy Antigone by Sophocles and by Anouilh

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    A. The plot of both the plays, by Anouilh and by Sophocles circle around the story of a girl defying her uncle Creon (who also happens to be the king), in the face of death. They both go on to present the same story through a play, but with a difference. As in the ancient representation by Sophocles, in Anouilh’s play too, Antigone buries Polynices (her brother) regardless of Ismene's (Antigone’s sister) advice. She disobeys Creon’s direct orders, and the king commands her death.

  • A Modern Day Parallel to a Greek Hero

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    Antigone believes so strongly that she is morally justified and bound by family duty to bury Polynices that she boldly breaks the law knowing she will face the ultimate consequence. “I dared, it was not God’s proclamation. That final Justice that rules the world below makes no such laws. Your edict, King was strong, but all your strength is weakness itself against the immortal unrecorded laws of God. They are not merely now: they were and shall be, operative forever, beyond man utterly (Sophocles).” Antigone defied the laws of man because she believed in the higher law of Gods that she had the right to bury her brother.

  • Antigone Literary Analsis

    574 Words  | 3 Pages

    Creon, king of Thebes, gave Eteocles a proper funeral, but forbidden anyone to give Polyneices a burial. Hence, Antigone begins. Antigone disobeys Creon and performs the burial ritual for her brother, Polyneices. Creon, enraged, sentenced Antigone to her entombment. Haimon tries to reason with his father Creon, but Creon is blinded by his own pride.

  • Antigone Response Essay

    635 Words  | 3 Pages

    I realize that the council may have concerns about reversing the decree against Antigone. As Kreon is the king, what he says is law; “No one in Thebes may bury him or mourn for him.” Anyone who disobeys his laws is subject to the consequences of their actions. Antigone openly defied him by burying her brother, and therefore deserves to be punished for her behavior. Her obvious defiance insulted Kreon’s authority. Also, by reversing Antigone’s sentence, Kreon and the state are implying that they have chosen to agree with her viewpoint and honor her brother, who is a traitor in the eyes of the state.

  • Antigone's Reader Rsponse

    514 Words  | 3 Pages

    For that reason, you might say that I am like Antigone. When Antigone states, “So be what you want. I’ll bury him” (Sophocles), Antigone decides to go against the law, and as a result, she is frowned upon. Like to Antigone, I decided not to participate in a shrill act despite the amount of peer pressure I experienced. I chose to follow what I believed in and stood up for an innocent person.

  • Sophocles: the Three Theban Plays

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    This act of disobedience eventually led to political and legal reform in Ancient Greece. The plays carry the idea that even in the ancient times, women have the possibility through self-realization that they can be as strong and wise as men. Although living in the maid-dominated society of Ancient Greek Theban where women were subject to subservient roles, young, teenage Antigone challenged not only the royal power of Creon, the ruler, but also his masculine power as well, by speaking against his policy that violates divine traditions. All throughout the play, Creon repeatedly accused Antigone, more because of her gender than her act of disobedience of his order forbidding burial of her brother. Until the very end of the play, Antigone stays unshaken, showing to the audience of Ancient Greece that women can be equal to men, as wise and strong as a male, and in her case, even more.

  • Antigone; Who's Tragedy Was It?

    683 Words  | 3 Pages

    An order was made by Creon to only bury Eteocles because he defended the city, leaving Polynices to rot and be eaten by dogs. The order was later on told to Antigone by Ismene. Antigone’s tragedy was to make the decision on whether she should disobey Creon’s demand and suffer the consequences or become disloyal to her brother and not give him a proper burial.

  • Antigone Essay On 3 Different Types Of Irony

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    Antigone’s family had clearly gone through much misfortune, but as her own life was giving way to a more prosperous future, Antigone chose a very dangerous path. Antigone is angered by the treatment of her brother’s body and seeks help to bury Polynieces from her sister Ismene. Antigone asks of Ismene “Wilt though aid this hand to lift the dead?” Antigone has set her course. As Ismene asks of her “Thou wouldst bury him,- when tis forbidden to Thebes?” Antigone replies “I will do my part, and thine if thou wilt not, - to a brother, false him will I never be found.” At possessing the knowledge that the king will not tolerate a burial, Antigone is none the less determined to undertake the task regardless of the consequence. Antigone is not content to leave this detail to fate.

  • Antigone’s Courage

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    Those who are not given a proper burial will rot where they are left and be eaten by dogs in disgrace. Although Antigone was right for wanting Polyneices to have a proper burial because he was family, Creon was trying to take that right way from her as one of the few things women were allowed to do was mourn the dead. Creon abused the power he had and in the end, he only hurt himself. Creon’s order offended some people which made many citizens think of him as a power hungry tyrant. Creon sternly states “Polyneices,” he says, “is to have no burial: no man is to touch him or say the least prayer for him; he shall lie on the plain, unburied; and the birds and the scavenging dogs can do with him whatever they like” (1329).

  • The Difference Between Being Obliged and Having an Obligation Is a Moral One. Discuss

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    In the aftermath, Creon orders that Eteocles shall be buried according to religious custom because he, according to Creon, was the rightful protector of the city. But Polyneices shall be denied proper burial and left exposed to be “chewed up by birds and dogs and violated.” Anyone who defies Creon’s decree will be punished by death. Antigone claiming that his law violates the law of the Gods and, therefore, cannot be respected defies Creon. Creon counters that he alone is the legitimate authority of Thebes: his law must be obeyed. Disobedience of law caused by Antigone dilemmas rises very fundamental issues in Jurisprudence namely what is the role of morality in relation to the Law?

  • Sacred Honor Essay

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    It is dishonorable to be unburied and for this the soul would not achieve entrance to heaven. Antigone took it upon herself to restore her brother’s honor by partially burying the body of Polynices. She said “I will bury him myself. And even if I die in the act, that death will be a glory. I will lie with the one I love and loved by him- An outrage sacred to the gods!

  • Female Masculinity Essay

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    Antigone seeks kleos and dies for her beliefs while Lucretia wishes to protect her kleos and dies to maintain her chasity. Antigone and Lucretia seek different things but in similar ways and they obtain these seeking’s by taking on temporary masculine roles. In Antigone, her ekthroi (enemy) equates to her uncle who also serves as the state. “I would never have defied the citizens to do this labor if the oozing corpse were that of my own child, or if my husband lay there dead. In satisfaction of what law do I say this?