A Modern Day Parallel to a Greek Hero

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“Isn’t a man’s right to burial decreed by divine justice? I don’t consider your pronouncements so important that they can just…overrule the unwritten laws of heaven (Sophocles).” "A husband dead, another can be found, a child replaced, but once a brother's dead, no other brother can be born or grows again (Sophocles)." Antigone’s fierce loyalty her family and the gods become her hamarita, her downfall. Antigone, as well as Gandhi, prioritize an individual sense of duty over the normative values of a community and refuse to ‘understand’ the limits placed upon them by society (Sparknotes). They demonstrate the use of civil disobedience, outstanding courage and a willingness to become outcasts. In a quest to define the term civil disobedience, history provides numerous examples to look at throughout time. Almost certainly one of the earliest portrayals of civil disobedience comes at the hands of Antigone. She directly disobeys an edict by Creon, King of Thebes, ordering that her brother Polynices not be given a proper burial. Antigone believes so strongly that she is morally justified and bound by family duty to bury Polynices that she boldly breaks the law knowing she will face the ultimate consequence. “I dared, it was not God’s proclamation. That final Justice that rules the world below makes no such laws. Your edict, King was strong, but all your strength is weakness itself against the immortal unrecorded laws of God. They are not merely now: they were and shall be, operative forever, beyond man utterly (Sophocles).” Antigone defied the laws of man because she believed in the higher law of Gods that she had the right to bury her brother. She believes the laws of the Gods are higher than the laws of the King. The King’s laws are strong, but they are weak against the laws of the Gods. The laws of the Gods are eternal; they will always be higher than the laws of

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