Zoroastrianism Essay

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Is this the end of Zoroastrianism? The ancient and once great religion that is Zoroastrianism is in its final hour. With a dwindling number of followers, the rituals of Zoroastrianism, specifically burial practices, are becoming nearly impossible to complete. According to Zoroastrianism, Parsis are supposed to complete a burial ritual which involves bringing the deceased to a Tower of Silence. A Tower of Silence is a tower with an opening at the top where the deceased are laid, allowing vultures to come and eat the remains so the earth is not tainted with decaying flesh. There are two problems with this practice. The first problem is that the Tower of Silence in Mumbai is the last remaining Tower in the world, causing all Zoroastrians in the world to come to Mumbai when someone dies in order to complete a proper burial. The second problem is that the vulture population of Mumbai is almost extinct, possibly due to ingesting medicines in some of the dead they consume. A decade ago, Parsis could leave a body at the Tower of Silence and it would be “purified” in two or three hours. Today, bodies are often left in the Tower for days before they are fully consumed. These circumstances are causing Zoroastrianism to come ever closer to extinction. I believe that unless Zoroastrianism undergoes a drastic change in its burial procedures, the religion will cease to exist in under 20 years. The opportunities for Zoroastrians to properly bury their dead are becoming so limited that some Zoroastrians are unable to complete them. Zoroastrianism must change, or one of the oldest religions known to man will

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