Yananamo Culture vs. U.S. Culture

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5 norms in Yanamamo culture that are distinct from norms in the U.S. Explain why those norms might be practiced among the Yanamamo. Jason LeClair Diverse Cultures in America Dr. Catherine Ripley June 17, 2012 5 norms in Yanamamo culture that are distinct from norms in the U.S. Explain why those norms might be practiced among the Yanamamo. The Yanamamo cultures of Southern Brazil and Northern Venezuela have different cultural norms than those in the U.S. The Yanamamo live in one of the most isolated parts of the world, having little contact from the outside world and therefore live uninfluenced by the norms of the rest of the Western world. The U.S. culture has set many of the trends of the Western world and is a culture based on the assimilation of many ethnicities, cultures, values, and beliefs. Over the last 100 years the U.S. has defined its culture, while over the last 100 years the Yanamamo haven’t changed or been influenced by others. Five norms in the Yanamamo cultural that differ from cultural norms of U.S. are they have little to no salt in their diet, they live in isolation, practice polygamy, are chauvinistic, and women have as many children as possible. These are just some of the Yanamamo cultural norms that differ vastly from that of U.S cultural norms. The Yanamamo culture has little to no salt in their diet while the U.S. culture has salt in almost anything you eat. The Yanamamo live on a no salt diet while the U.S. is one of the most obese cultures in the world and you can find loads of salt in any sit-down or fast food restaurant you eat at. A study done on the Yanamamo states, “The findings suggest that the hormonal adjustments to life-long low sodium intakes are similar to those achieved in acute sodium restriction of civilized man (WJ Oliver, 1975).” Based on this article the Yanamamo have evolved to the point that they can

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