Why Did the Barons Rebel Against King John in 1216 Essay Layout

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Why did the Barons Rebel against King John in 1216? You are going to write your second history essay (the first one was on the Battle of Hastings)! 1. Look back at your Hastings essay and write down one of your key targets in this box… My Target for this essay is… 2. Read p.114 of the new textbook to remind yourself how to write a ‘burger paragraph’. 3. Use this sheet and the textbook p.116-117 to help you to write your essay. A clear introduction What are you going to write about in this essay? What do you think the main causes of the rebellion by the barons were? What was a king expected to do? Remember to use some key dates… ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 1: A Long-term cause Why were the barons unhappy with King John? Use the work you have done on how King John murdered Arthur and raised taxes to explain why this was a cause of the rebellion. What evidence do you have to support this? One of the big disagreements between John and the barons was taxes. ______________________________
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