Why Creationism Shouldnt Be Taught in Public Schools

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For many years teaching intelligent design or creationism in public schools has been a controversial subject for almost a century in the United States. Many people believe that only the evolution theory should be taught. Intelligent design should not be taught in public schools due to the fact that it is not based on real evidence. Learning creationism in school will cause many problems to the students and society. Breaking the law, harming science and harming the students are reasons. The first reason that intelligent design shouldn’t be taught in public schools is that it will break the law. The first amendment is a good example to support this. It states that it is prohibited to make any law respecting an establishment or religion, therefore, you cannot teach creationism in schools. There has been many cases of schools breaking laws in order to teach creationism; if the schools don’t want to break the law than they shouldn’t teach intelligent design to their students. Another reason why public schools should not teach creationism is that it is religious and is not practical for daily life. Creationism is the belief that God has created the universe and/or humankind but it is still not commonly used in the society we live in today. Imagine only learning about intelligent design and how a superior being created us. If we go out into the society only knowing about that and not knowing about the evolution theory and many other useful science knowledge how would we survive? If the students learn about creationism which is not practical for their daily lives then it wouldn’t be useful for them. Without learning the evolution theory students will have a hard time in college or their professional careers. Imagine if the students were later told that the world wasn’t created by god but through evolution, it’s just like being told to go to a party in a costume but you

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