Who Had the Greater Impact on Nursing in the Crimean War- Florence Nightingale or Mary Seacole?

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Who had the greater impact on nursing in the Crimean War- Florence Nightingale or Mary Seacole?

Even though I believe that Mary Seacole is the better nurse and she helped more soldiers, I think that Florence Nightingale had a bigger impact on nursing because for one, she did run a big team of nurses in a hospital and set up a nursing school after the war but two, Mary Seacole had no way of impacting nurses because she was bankrupted after the war and she worked on the front line.
Florence Nightingale had formal nurse training and went to help the soldiers in the Crimean war because she was invited to head the nursing staff there through the influence of powerful friends: Sidney Herbert (secretary at war at the beginning of the Crimean conflict) and his wife Elizabeth. Nightingale was to be accompanied by a team of 38 nurses who were picked by a committee who was careful to keep a religious balance among the volunteer nurses.
On the other side of the world, Mary Seacole learnt about nursing from her mother which was informal unlike Florence Nightingales training. When she heard about the terrible medical conditions in the Crimean war it triggered her decision to go to London and offer her services as a nurse in the conflict. After Elizabeth Herbert rejected her offer because she was black, she paid for her own passage out to the Crimea. She says in her book Wonderful Adventures of Mary Seacole “the fact that, had there been a vacancy, I should not have been chosen to fill it.” This shows her determination to help the soldiers in the Crimean war, even though she was rejected by Nightingales companion. Unlike Florence Nightingale who was asked to go there, she went there herself to help.
When Florence Nightingale first arrived she worked in the Turkish hospital Scutari. The hospital was dirty, disease ridden and overcrowded. There was not the right equipment either.

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