When Rain Clouds Gather Chapter 1

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“Makhaya spread out his hands helplessly. It was a while new, astonishing world.” (Pg 31) What does Bessie Head reveal about Makhaya’s character throughout his interactions with others in chapters 1 and 2. Bessie Head discloses profound information about the character of Makhaya through his interaction with others as well as his behaviour towards others in chapters 1 and 2. Makhaya is portrayed as a decent man. We see this when Makhaya first encounters the old woman who he refers to as “old hag”. She attempts to sell the body of her young granddaughter to Makhaya. Makhaya is disgusted by this offer. However, he did not fault the grandmother for her transgression, instead he faulted tribal views influencing her evil actions because men were seen as “grovelling sex organs” and “no ordinary man would hesitate to jump on a mere child”. This shows Makhaya’s decency to refuse the body of young girl and shows that Makhaya is a man of his morals. We see Makhaya attempt to re-invent himself and to be a genuine and honest person. We see this when George Appleby-Smith, the police officer will grant Makhaya refugee status if he answers, “Yes” to the questions posed. However, when Makhaya was asked whether he liked a certain political individual advocating Pan-Africanism, he honestly answered, “No”. This was Makhaya’s attempt to be genuine and honest. Makhaya’s humility is another character trait Bessie Head projects in the first two chapters. In particular, during Makhaya’s encounter with Dinorego, he tells Dinorego that “one road might lead to fame and importance, and another might lead to peace of mind.” This humility gains him the acceptance of Dinorego and this is the reason why Dinorego takes him back to his town. Makhaya goes on to say, “ It’s the road of peace of mind I’m seeking.” This emphasises Makhaya’s desire to turn over a new leaf and start a new
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